Petra Parmvi
Study and Career Adviser of the five-year Architecture programme (TAARK)
Cecilia Hollingby
Programme Planner
Lykke Jacobson
International Coordinator of the Master's Programmes in Architecture (MARK), Digital Architecture and Emergent Futures (MAEF) and Sustainable Urban Design (SUDes)
Jesper Magnusson
Director of the School of Architecture / Programme Director of the five-year Architecture programme (TAARK)
Paulina Prieto de la Fuente
Assistant Programme Director of the five-year Architecture programme (TAARK)
Maria Rasmussen
Programme Director of the Master's programme in Architecture (MARK)
David Andréen
Programme Director of the Master's programme in Digital Architecture and Emergent Futures (MAEF)
Ida Sandström
Programme Director of the Master's programme in Sustainable Urban Design (SUDes)
Deliveries/Visiting adress
Sölvegatan 24
223 62 Lund
Postal adress
LTH, Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture
Box 118
221 00 Lund
Internal mail (within LU/LTH)
Hämtställe 2